Accelerate your brand growth

Turn Your Brand into a Retail Icon

For a successful brand, adopting an advanced software platform is critical. This is essential not only for efficient management of shops and operations but also in the context of an increasingly globalized market. Faster, with its RETAIL, ERP, and FIELDFORCE solutions, offers a modular and fully integrable approach, perfect for optimizing every aspect of management.


Rewrite Your Sales Strategy! Faster Retail manages the entire store, enhancing the customer shopping experience with efficient assortments and real-time monitoring of employee and individual store KPIs. With synchronized archives, store managers always have up-to-date data on customers, products, and promotion

Faster ERP

Faster ERP integrando l'intelligenza artificiale, ottimizza ogni aspetto del tuo business, dalla supply chain alla vendita online, migliorando decisioni e operazioni. Con report personalizzati, avrai sempre una visione chiara delle performance. Grazie alle funzionalità avanzate di analisi, gestisce le scorte in modo efficiente, integra la logistica e l'e-commerce, offrendo un percorso d'acquisto fluido e di valore.

Faster ERP

Faster ERP, integrating ai, optimizes every aspect of your business, from supply chain to online sales, enhancing decisions and operations. With custom reports, you'll always have a clear view of performance. Thanks to advanced analytics features, it efficiently manages inventory, integrates logistics and e-commerce, providing a seamless and valuable shopping journey.

Unified Commerce

Faster for the Various Facets of Retail.

Faster adapts to the diverse variations within the retail sector. With a personalized approach, integration, and efficiency, it transforms retail into a seamless experience, successfully addressing the challenges of the global market.

Faster, cloud and mobile software for unified commerce, integrates the in-store and online experience into an omnichannel strategy, elevating the customer experience.

The platform effectively manages online sales channels, maximises digital impact and optimises conversion rates, turning data into insights for marketing and pricing.

FieldForce, the B2B order collection platform that optimises sales management and reduces lead times. Elevate the Success of Your Sales Network.


Our Customers

Alcott All Scent ASP Cyao Dan John Dorabella Estasi Givova Gutteridge Humilis Idea Bellezza Miriade Re Sole Wycon

Request a demo

You will learn how we have guided other retailers to success.

Experience the Speed of Faster for a Quick and Flexible Start in Your Innovative Retail Management

Optimized Management of Procurement Processes Across the Entire Supply Chain.

Predictive Analysis for Your Strategic Decisions

In the Demo, We'll Showcase Case Studies of Solutions Implemented for Major Retail Brands.

Start your path to success now

Contact us today and let's start this exciting journey together!

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